Statistical Data Characterizing the Financing of the Educational System

  • I. Zabaturina
  • V. Kuznetsova
  • O. Ozerova
Keywords: education funding, paid educational services


Information on state investments in education and their comparison with the GNP is presented in this issue. Certain indicators are compared to their analogs in the educational systems of other OECD member countries. The article presents data concerning the volume of paid services in the educational system and consumer expenses of families for these purposes. Data about the number of college students who pay tuition are also presented. The article uses materials of the Federal Service of Governmental Statistics of the RF, and the OECD Education Online Database. The materials were prepared by I.Yu. Baturina, V.I. Kuznetsova, and O.K. Ozerova, senior researchers of the Center for Statistics and Education Monitoring of the Statistical Research Institute at the Higher School of Economics.


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How to Cite
ZabaturinaI., KuznetsovaV., and OzerovaO. 2010. “Statistical Data Characterizing the Financing of the Educational System”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (December), 320-27.
Education Statistics and Sociology