Schooling in Russia: state statistics and data from the Monitoring of the economics of education

  • I. Zabaturina
  • S. Sigalov
  • L. Ugolnova
Keywords: salaries, educational institutions, comprehensive education, government funding, class size, variation of classes, the technical condition of buildings, eaching staff, additional education


This article is concerned with the description of the current state of the school system in Russia, including the financial aspects of the educational institutions, income and career strategies of teachers and additional education. The analysis is based on the federal statistics on educational institutions and interviews with directors, teachers, parents and students conducted as a part of the Monitoring of the economics of education.


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How to Cite
ZabaturinaI., SigalovS., and UgolnovaL. 2013. “Schooling in Russia: State Statistics and Data from the Monitoring of the Economics of Education”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (October), 204-35.
Education Statistics and Sociology