Pre-school education — a statistical evaluation

  • V. Kuznetsova
Keywords: pre-school education, pre-school educational institutions, part-time pre-school groups, number of places in pre-school educational institutions, kindergarten teachers, costs of pre-school education


The article focuses on the basic parameters which describe development of pre-school education in the Russian Federation. Data from the Federal state statistics service (the results of the annual federal statistical observation of the activities of pre-school educational institutions, of consumer prices and construction) is used as a source of information, as well as the Federal Treasury data on the performance of consolidated budget of Russia. Data for 2010 on some indicators are preliminary.


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How to Cite
KuznetsovaV. 2013. “Pre-School Education — a Statistical Evaluation”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (November), 231-44.
Education Statistics and Sociology