Staff in education: Many with low wages or few with high wages?

  • Mark Agranovich HSE University
  • Isak Froumin HSE University
Keywords: teachers, wages, education quality


The authors consider the problems of teachers in Russia from a comparative perspective. It is shown that the wages of teachers in Russia are much lower than that of their colleagues abroad. The employment structure in the education sector is also very different from that in other countries. Various ways for staffing Russian schools are discussed. It is noted that the current trends might lead to the formation of a large sector of low-quality education.


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How to Cite
Agranovich, Mark, and Isak Froumin. 2013. “Staff in Education: Many With Low Wages or Few With High Wages?”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (October), 68-80.
Theoretical and Applied Research

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