Studying the consequences of performance pay. Comments to Victor Lavy’s article «Performance pay and teachers’ effort, productivity and grading ethics»

  • Elizaveta Sivak HSE University
Keywords: teachers, motivation, incentive creation, performance pay, ratings, grading principles, social policies


The author reviews the principal directions of the research on the effects of performance pay in schools on students’ grades and on the behavior of teachers. Analyzed are methodological particularities of various studies. A conclusion is made concerning the prospective usefulness of V. Lavy’s methods of the evaluation of new teacher pay systems.


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How to Cite
Sivak, Elizaveta. 2010. “Studying the Consequences of Performance Pay. Comments to Victor Lavy’s Article «Performance Pay and teachers’ Effort, Productivity and Grading Ethics»”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (December), 111-17.
Theoretical and Applied Research