Comparison of educational programs by unified state exam results of enrolled students

  • Oleg Poldin HSE University
  • Andrey Silaev HSE University
Keywords: unified state exam, admission to universities, quality of programs, demand curves, public funding


The authors of the current article used distributions of the sum score of Russian unified state exam of accepted students to compare training programs. The authors propose quantitative and qualitative indicators of the differences between the programs. The effects of the bundle of programs by unified state exam’s score are illustrated by an empirical analysis of admission campaigns in some schools in 2009 and 2010. 


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How to Cite
Poldin, Oleg, and Silaev Andrey. 2013. “Comparison of Educational Programs by Unified State Exam Results of Enrolled Students”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (October), 192-209.