School Readiness of First-Graders and Its Factors: Identifying Region-Specific Characteristics

  • Alina Ivanova HSE University
  • Marina Kuznetsova HSE University
  • Sergey Semenov Center for Education Quality Assessment (Krasnoyarsk)
  • Tamara Fedorova Department of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
Keywords: elementary education, school readiness, mathematical abilities, reading abilities, regional differences, sociocultural capital, preschool learning experience


Regions of Russia enjoy substantial independence in shaping their own education systems. However, there is extremely little empirical data on the specific features of development, for instance, of preschool and elementary school children in this or that region. This situation renders it difficult to make informed decisions on corrections required to meet region-specific needs. We analyzed basic mathematical and reading abilities of preschoolers in two regional centers — Krasnoyarsk and Kazan. We applied IPIPS study, which allows assessing the skills of children starting school, to a sample of about 2,750 first-graders in the two cities. As we found out, the level of basic mathematical and reading abilities correlated most strongly with such factors as sociocultural capital, preschool learning experience, and language spoken at home. Meanwhile,
location in a specific region had virtually no impact on the skills analyzed.


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How to Cite
Ivanova, Alina, Marina Kuznetsova, SemenovSergey, and Tamara Fedorova. 2016. “School Readiness of First-Graders and Its Factors: Identifying Region-Specific Characteristics”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (December), 84-105.
Theoretical and Applied Research