The Problems of Standard General Education and the Distribution of the Population in Russia

  • Irina Abankina HSE University
Keywords: regional educational systems, basic education, social service networks, population distribution


The article discusses which system of basic education is appropriate for Russia today. It analyzes the changes that substantially influenced the adequacy of the social service network given the structure and dynamics of the population distribution. The principal models of social service networks are characterized, namely, the nuclear, the node, the cell and the stepped models,. The degree with which social networks can be applied to the trends of the population distribution in the Russian regions is investigated, and compared to other countries. The changes in the institutional connections between standard general education and its social surroundings are generalized.


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How to Cite
Abankina, Irina. 2010. “The Problems of Standard General Education and the Distribution of the Population in Russia”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (December), 94-111.
Theoretical and Applied Research

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