Halfway to the Future: Evaluating the Inclusion of a Group of Russian Colleges into the Bologna Process

  • Yuliya Muratova HSE University
  • Vadim Radaev HSE University
Keywords: educational reforms, Bologna process, optional courses, master’s programmes, credit transfer and accumulation system


The authors suggest a novel method for measuring how well universities are adhering to the parameters of the Bologna process. The importance of such techniques is due to the fact that by 2010, Russia has to complete reforms of the higher education system in accordance to with the Bologna declaration. The article briefly summarizes the relevant components of the Bologna process. The general approach and instruments for evaluating the activity of universities are described. The results of a survey of 20 well"known Russian universities are presented. In conclusion, the authors use a specially designed index to estimate the overall correspondence of the Russian higher education system to the parameters of the Bologna process.


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How to Cite
Muratova, Yuliya, and Vadim Radaev. 2010. “Halfway to the Future: Evaluating the Inclusion of a Group of Russian Colleges into the Bologna Process”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (December), 84-114. https://vo.hse.ru/article/view/14830.
Theoretical and Applied Research