New Ways of Organizing Education (on the Example of the SU-HSE)

  • Vadim Radaev HSE University
Keywords: education quality, education management, academic business-processes, learning plans, modules


The article presents an analysis of new trends in the management of education based on the experience of the State University – Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE). Since it’s founding in 1992, HSE has focused on choosing and introducing the most efficient forms of organization. Considering each introduced innovation one by one, the author analyzes the essence of each new form of organization, its impact on education at SU-HSE, how it was implemented, what the teachers and students think of it, and how it can be further developed.


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How to Cite
Radaev, Vadim. 2010. “New Ways of Organizing Education (on the Example of the SU-HSE)”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (December), 254-75.