School of possibilities and possibilities of school

  • Anatoly Kasprzhak HSE University
Keywords: schools, basic curriculum, Federal State Education Standards, optional courses, maximum admissible load


The author takes it for granted that freedom of school is a necessary pre-condition for development of independent and responsible behavior in students. Assuming that, he undertakes a study of the Basic Curriculum for Russian Schools, more specifi cally, the dynamics of its changes as compared to similar processes in other countries. Comparing Basic Curricula from recent years and the Federal State Education Standards with one of the latest Soviet school curriculum, namely, that for the academic year 1988-1989, the author investigates changes in the following indicators: optional courses, maximum admissible load, amount of time designated for specifi c courses, etc. Then these indicators are compared to similar ones in the curricula of developed countries. The fi nal conclusion is that despite all fi ne words in concepts and programs, the Russian education system is only faking changes, falling behind more and more each year with regard to developed countries.


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How to Cite
Kasprzhak, Anatoly. 2010. “School of Possibilities and Possibilities of School”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (December), 5-25.
Educational Policies