Teacher training colleges provide high quality mathematics education, but their graduates are in no hurry to work at school (based on TEDS-M)

  • Galina Kovaleva Russian Academy of Education, 8 Pogodinskaya St., Moscow, 119121, Russian Federation
  • Larisa Denishheva GOU VPO «Moscow city pedagogical University», 4, 2nd Selskokhozyajstvennyj pr, 129226 Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Natalja Sheveleva GOU VPO «Moscow city pedagogical University», 4, 2nd Selskokhozyajstvennyj pr, 129226 Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: mathematics, teacher education, international studies in education, TEDS-M, elementary school, middle school, teaching methods in mathematics


Authors present a brief overview of the main results of the international comparative study TEDS-M. Russian final year university students which were going to become qualified primary school teachers and math teachers demonstrated the results in mathematics and methods of teaching mathematics which were above average international rates. Authors show strengths and weaknesses of Russian training programs and reveal differences between graduates results in teacher training colleges and state universities. It was found out that there is a relationship between the quality of education of potential teachers and their attitudes to teaching mathematics — orientation on conceptual models and cognitive-constructivist approach to teaching mathematics or computational model and an approach to teaching which is based on the direct transfer of knowledge.


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How to Cite
Kovaleva, Galina, Larisa Denishheva, and Natalja Sheveleva. 2013. “Teacher Training Colleges Provide High Quality Mathematics Education, But Their Graduates Are in No Hurry to Work at School (based on TEDS-M)”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (October), 124-47. https://doi.org/10.17323/1814-9545-2011-4-124-147.
Theoretical and Applied Research

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