Do Educators Have an Alternative to Tutoring to Increase Their Income?

Keywords: schools, teachers’ incomes, shadow education, teachers, tutors, tutoring


The article presents the results of a study of the workload and income of teachers that are using online educational platforms and marketplaces to find main and additional job. The approach based on the concept of shadow education. The authors find out to what extent the income of teachers depends on the workload and the combination of types of pedagogical activity in educational organization and outside them. The research question is: whether there are statistically significant differences in the cost of an hour of tutoring, platform and traditional pedagogical load, at which conditions the income of teachers equal to comparable occupations and in line with decent work indicators. An analysis of the data of an online sociological survey using linear regression modeling showed that a teacher working only at school, even with excessive workload, will not achieve earnings comparable to the income of the other types of pedagogical activity. The article for the first time reasonably reveals the reasons for the formation — while maintaining a pool of teachers who work only at school — a large group of teachers employed exclusively in the tutoring sector, both independently and on online platforms.


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How to Cite
Abankina, Irina, Yuliya Belova, Kirill Zinkovsky, Ekaterina Latypova, and Alexey Milovanov. 2022. “Do Educators Have an Alternative to Tutoring to Increase Their Income?”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (December), 8-32.
Research Articles