Alumni Relations Policy of Multidisciplinary Universities (on the Example of the Far Eastern Federal University)
Alumni relations is a comparatively new sphere for Russian universities. Universities are trying to build new culture of the relationships with alumni from scratch. This article examines this challenge through interviewing deans of typical Russian multi-field University. Based on 11 semi-structured interviews, the article explores such topics as university culture, institutionalisation, communication, attitudes, and how both alumni and alma mater can benefit from cooperation. Relying on the theoretical frameworks of social fields and social capital, the article elaborates what theoretical and practical principles underlie effective alumni relations policy. The findings set five principles of alumni relations policy: 1) openness of the university and its campus for all alumni; 2) institutionalisation of the communities of stable social fields; 3) support of informal communities and individual ambassadors; 4) support of evolving communities at the university; and 5) development of alumni relations formats and practices. Considering the absence of a culture of material help and donations, such support cannot be the focus of alumni relations work. Instead, solid interpersonal relationships should be built, promoting the values of trust and cooperation, where alumni associations and informal communities play real role.
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