General education in the professional development of the alunmi of vocational colleges

  • Elena Voznesenskaya Russian Academy of Sciences, Bld. 5, 24/35 Krzhizhanovskogo St., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation
Keywords: motivation, competences, general education, vocational colleges


A research on the orientations and life trajectories of alumni conducted in 2004 included polling the alumni of vocational junior high schools continuing their education at vocational colleges. This made it possible to analyze the influence of general education on the formation of life plans by the students of vocational colleges, and how this general education helps to realize these plans. Analysis showed that general education is in demand among the students of vocational junior high schools. Therefore, it seems that excluding general education from vocational junior high schools curricula could cause a decrease in enrollment in these schools, which would make the main goal of the education reform (namely, the production of competent, educated, motivated and modern teachers) even more difficult to achieve.


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How to Cite
Voznesenskaya, Elena. 2013. “General Education in the Professional Development of the Alunmi of Vocational Colleges”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (October), 260-73.
Education Statistics and Sociology