Positive Psychological Interventions to Prevent Well-Being Issues, Aggression and Bullying in School Students

  • Arthur Rean HSE University
  • Alexey Stavtsev Enlightenment Steps Program, Sobranie Cultural Initiative Supporting and Preservation Fund
Keywords: positive psychology interventions, psychological well-being of school students, school bullying, school climate


Data obtained by Russian psychologists and sociologists is used to substantiate the need for school-based interventions to improve school climate and reduce overall peer aggression. Positive psychological interventions (PPIs) for wellbeing have a number of advantages over programs designed to reduce or eliminate negative behavioral manifestations, such as anti-bullying, anti-smoking, depression prevention, or violence prevention programs. In particular, PPIs are universal, flexible, and wide-reaching; they have a strong influence on such important life outcomes as positive emotions, involvement in something that one loves, harmonious social relations, adequate self-esteem, and the feeling of significance. Effectiveness of PPIs is evaluated using international literature as compared with descriptive studies of Russian researchers.


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How to Cite
Rean, Arthur, and Alexey Stavtsev. 2020. “Positive Psychological Interventions to Prevent Well-Being Issues, Aggression and Bullying in School Students”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (September), 37-59. https://doi.org/10.17323/1814-9545-2020-3-37-59.
Theoretical and Applied Research