Neuromyths in Education: An Analysis of the Prevalence Among Faculties of Higher Educational Institutions

  • Maria Maximova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Olga Frolova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Tatiana Chekalina Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: neuromyths, neurobiology, educational neurobiology, brain function, university faculties


These days shows a rapid expansion of neuroscience in various spheres of society. Besides neuroscience results actively introduced in the education system, especially because of digitalization of society. However, there are also started to appear neuromyths, which are misconceptions generated by a misinterpretation of scientific facts related to the brain function. The prevalence of neuromyths could also bring a number of risks that can significantly affect the learning process. The study provides an analysis of the various research results that determined the extent of the prevalence of neuromyths among schools and universities educators in different countries. This study aimed to explore the prevalence of belief in neuromyths among faculties of Russian higher educational institutions. The results of the study showed the need for further active implementation of neurobiology approaches among faculties of educational organizations.


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How to Cite
Maximova, Maria, Olga Frolova, and Tatiana Chekalina. 2022. “Neuromyths in Education: An Analysis of the Prevalence Among Faculties of Higher Educational Institutions”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (July), 190-215.
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