The Relationship of Child Agency and Subjective Well-Being
The multidimensionality and complexity of the child agency` phenomenon determines the presence of different approaches and grounds for its study, which are in diametrically opposite positions. The aim of the study is to analyze agency and its indicators in the structure of subjective well-being of senior schoolchildren. The empirical base was made up of data obtained from a survey of 3,282 students in grades 7-11 of the Tyumen region. The questionnaire of the international survey of children's subjective well-being - Children's World is taken as a basis. The questionnaire was supplemented with indicators showing the level of agency, as well as the impact on the subjective well-being of security, health and romantic relationships. Factor analysis in the space of 47 SWB indicators allowed us to identify 8 factors reflecting the contribution to the SWB of family, school, health, agency, status, social loyalty, security and romantic relationships. In addition, students were asked to evaluate the SWB indicators from two angles: how important this or that SWB indicator is for them (the desired level) and how much they assess the presence of this indicator in relation to their lives (the real level). At the actual and real levels, the greatest contribution to subjective well-being is made by such factors as: family satisfaction, agency, security and safety (psychological, physical). There are direct significant moderate correlations between the relevance of factors and their real level. Agency is a significant factor in the subjective well-being of schoolchildren and ranks second in importance after safety. The relevance of agency increases with age. The gap between the desired and real levels of agency is most pronounced in older students with disabilities. A comparison of the SWB structure in groups with different levels of agency showed that high school students with an average level of agency demonstrate a higher level of SWB, and students with a high level of agency have the lowest level of SWB. The results obtained are discussed in the critical field of research.
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