Power of Probability in Psychometrics. Review of the book “Bayesian Psychometric Modeling“
The emergence and development of Bayesian psychometrics is a result of psychometrics' desire to reduce measurement error. This book is the first to present a systematic description of the Bayesian approach in psychometric research. The book consists of two parts: the first one presents the main principles of the Bayesian approach (Foundations), the second one includes their application in psychometric modeling (Psychometrics). The reviewer believes that the publication will be useful for those who used to work in the frequentist approach and would like to learn about the Bayesian approach. At the same time, she recommends those who are not sure of the quality of their mathematical background to additionally turn to other sources that are not equipped with such a detailed mathematical description. The book has not been translated into Russian.
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Schoot van de R., Kaplan D., Denissen J., Asendorpf J.B., Neyer F.J., van Aken M.A. (2014) A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Analysis: Applications to Developmental Research. Child Development, vol. 85, no 3, pp. 842–860. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cdev.12169
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