Student Engagement Cultures in Russian Student Representation: Party-Goers, Pragmatists and Citizens
The aim of this research is to explore the main models of student engagement in university self-government in Russia, to understand and categorize what drives the students’ participation in these institutions. The main content of the paper is based on a multi-stage coding and thematic analysis of 72 interviews conducted in the autumn of 2022 with student leaders of various Russian universities. The analysis results allow us to highlight three main student cultures of participation in representation bodies: the basic one is characterized by a predominant focus on personal socialization and individual development, the pragmatic one emphasizes the importance of financial and career incentives, while the civic one includes an orientation towards social recognition, helping others, and addressing public issues. The results provide valuable information for developing strategies to enhance the efficacy of working with different groups of students in Russian student representation, both at the institutional university level and at the regional or national level.
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