Educational Inequality and COVID‑19 Pandemic: Relationship between the Family Socio-Economic Status and Student Experience of Remote Learning

  • Saule Bekova HSE University
  • Evgeniy Terentev HSE University
  • Natalia Maloshonok HSE University
Keywords: educational inequality, distance learning, social isolation, COVID‑19, digitalization of education, student experiences, academic self-regulation


The urgent transition to distance education in March 2020 revitalized the debate on the influence of a new educational reality on the educational inequality. A study was performed to measure the relationship between the difficulties experienced by students during distance learning and their socioeconomic status. Data from a nationwide survey of students administered in late March — early April 2020 by a team of researchers from a few Russian universities was used as empirical basis of this study. Results demonstrate significant differences in obstacles faced by students from families with different levels of income. Students from low-income families were the most likely to have technical and self-regulation problems and to lack skills required for effective distance learning. Findings indicate the importance of finding system-level solutions to ensure equal opportunities for students in distance learning, regardless of their socioeconomic status.


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How to Cite
Bekova, Saule, Evgeniy Terentev, and Natalia Maloshonok. 2021. “Educational Inequality and COVID‑19 Pandemic: Relationship Between the Family Socio-Economic Status and Student Experience of Remote Learning”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 74-92.
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education

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