Why Would Going to University Change Anyone? The Challenges of Capturing the Transformative Power of Higher Education in Comparisons of Quality

  • Paul Ashwin Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University
Keywords: knowledge, university rankings, higher education research, personal transformation, measuring quality, teaching and learning


In this paper, I examine the tensions between the transformational potential undergraduate degrees and ways we have of measuring and comparing the quality of those degrees nationally and internationally. I argue that what makes higher education a higher form of education is the relations that students develop to knowledge through the study of particular bodies of disciplinary and professional knowledge. Given, this I argue that this needs to be central to the ways in which we understand and measure the quality of an undergraduate education. I review current ways of measuring quality and argue that they do not capture these aspects of an undergraduate education and so are not fit for purpose. In conclusion I argue that higher education researchers have a responsibility to develop more valid ways of comparing the quality of undergraduate degrees.


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How to Cite
Ashwin, Paul. 2016. “Why Would Going to University Change Anyone? The Challenges of Capturing the Transformative Power of Higher Education in Comparisons of Quality”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 21-34. https://doi.org/10.17323/1814-9545-2016-1-21-34.
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