To support or to invest? Education programs as part of an anti-crisis plan

  • Yaroslav Kuzminov HSE University
Keywords: labor market, educational programs, youth unemployment, national educational systems, economic crisis, university alumni


During an economic crisis the labor market undergoes significant structural changes. The negative consequences of these changes are relevant for all work force categories, including university alumni, whose chances to find a job decrease considerably. The threat of long term unemployment leads to various sociopolitical risks. In a crisis, education programs are important not only as a tool of anti-crisis management of employment, but also as an investment in the quality of future economic growth. The article considers such programs as holistic strategies targeting various groups, professional spheres and qualification levels. A priority task is to discuss and develop a procedure whereby the leading universities of the country may be included in this state project.


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How to Cite
Kuzminov, Yaroslav. 2010. “To Support or to Invest? Education Programs As Part of an Anti-Crisis Plan”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (December), 5-18.
Educational Policies