What Are the Differences in Perception of Gender Disparities in Academia? A Survey of Academics from Russia

Ключевые слова: gender, academia, perception, gender disparities


 This study examines the perception of gender issues in academia in the Russian context. Specifically, the paper aims to reveal the criteria due to which academics might perceive gender-related problems in academia in different ways. The research was conducted among 901 men and women academics with Russian affiliation. The survey was presented as a 20-item anonymous online questionnaire with five major blocks, covering up various gender-related topics. By surveying men and women academics from the Russian academic environment, it reveals that most academics, in their perception, had never experienced gender inequality in the current workplaces. However, for those with such experience, the share of all given gender disparities women academics has ever encountered during their academic career is higher compared to men. The most common gender disparities, namely low chances for career promotion and barriers from rising to senior-level positions reflect career promotion gaps relevant for both men and women academics. The results also demonstrate that gender inequality is mostly not considered as a problem of academic environment but rather a social issue. In particular, most men academics and, to a lesser extent, women academics strongly disagree with considering gender inequality as the academic problem. The paper provides an example for addressing gender disparities issues for men and women academics and assessing perception of gender inequality and, conversely, equality.


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Как цитировать
Pilkina, Marina. 2024. «What Are the Differences in Perception of Gender Disparities in Academia? A Survey of Academics from Russia». Вопросы образования / Educational Studies Moscow 1 (3). https://doi.org/10.17323/vo-2024-16871.
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