FAQ's about website

Language Switching

You can always choose the language (Russian or English) in the personal cabinet (top panel, right). When viewing the site from a computer, to switch the language is the first option in the sidebar with information. But if you're viewing the site from a phone, this option moves down after the Announcements and Current issue.

How to indicate co-authors when submitting

A manuscript is submitted by a single user, usually a contact person. But you can add co-authors in step 3.Enter Metadata (List of Contributors – Add Contributor).

Ask a question about the article under review

You can add a discussion of a manuscript at any stage (Submission / Review / Copyediting) in your personal account. Participants will be notified about it.

Where to find manuscript metadata

The metadata (authors, title, abstract) specified when submitting are shown if you click on "Metadata" in the panel above the article title.

I do not receive e-mail notifications about my submission

We recommend that you periodically check the status of your manuscript in your personal account. Unfortunately, letters from the OJS system are sometimes recognized by mail servers as spam.

Some website functions are not working

If some function on the site is not available, try changing your web-browser. For example, the checkmark space to accept privacy statement, when submitting, sometimes does not appear in Google Chrome, but is visible in Yandex Browser.


If you have other questions about website work, want to report a problem, or suggest what to add to this list, then write to the Editorial Office Manager (Mikhail Maltsev, mamaltsev@hse.ru).