Difficult Life Situations of Modern Learning Youth

Keywords: learning, emerging adulthood, difficult life situations, stress, adaptation, education level


The difficult life situations (DLS) of modern learning youth are considered. The young people who are studying represent a special socio-age group that has a specific trajectory of development, called "emerging adulthood". Its specifics is that the development tasks have a different timing, obeying the main goal – the acquisition of a profession through long training. As a result, this group is subject to high stress, is psychologically unstable and needs the support of social and psychological services. The theoretical framework included the ideas of development in emerging adulthood, research of psychological well-being and event-situational approach. Two empirical studies were conducted with participating the college, bachelor's, master's and postgraduate students. The study 1 involved 337 respondents, Mage = 20.9, SDage = 3.0, 243 female. We used open-ended questions concerning the difficulties experienced by students at the university, followed by a structural tabular thematic analysis. The checklist "Difficult life situations of students, DLS-stud" has been compiled, including 49 difficulties. 751 respondents participated in study 2, Mage = 19.0, SDage = 4.3, 613 female. 301 people have moved to study (23 have changed their country), 416 were studying in the same city where they were born. The data clustering method was used to organize the selected difficulties. Eight clusters were identified: Adaptation to the technical conditions of studying, Adaptation to a new stage of studying, Lack of physical and psychological resources, Organization of classes at an educational office, Social conditions of studying, Current life tasks, Adaptation to a new place and Loss and fear of loss. The most frequent and rare difficulties are analyzed, the number and configuration of which vary depending on gender, level of education, and the fact of moving (more for girls, undergraduate students and those who changed their place of residence during their studies). The results obtained can make the work of university psychological services more effective.


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How to Cite
Nartova-BochaverSofya K., BardadymovVasily A., YerofeevaVictoria G., KhachaturovaMilana R., and KhachatryanNarine G. 2024. “Difficult Life Situations of Modern Learning Youth”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (July). https://doi.org/10.17323/vo-2024-17187.
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