German-American Academic Migration and the Emergence of the American Research University, 1865–1910

  • Tetiana Zemliakova European University at St. Petersburg
Keywords: history of education, academic freedom, American research university, German research university model, American-German academic transfer


The study investigates into the background, process and effects of the Ger­man-American academic transfer of the second half of the 19th century and its role in the development of the modern American research university. The crisis of the traditional American college that reached its climax after the Ci­vil War prompted a few waves of academic migrations to Germany. Most gra­duates chose to return to the US, where they formed a group of reformers to promote the German university model during the Academic Revolution. The student body is analyzed as the main mediator which determined the way this model was adapted and implemented. In analyzing the transfer of the concept of “academic freedom”, the study looks at how exactly the process was af­fected by the mediator. The reformist agenda pursued by the German gra­duates in the US was directed against the hegemony of pietist administrators and the ideology of the “all-rounded-man” education. Achievement of those goals suggested the establishment of graduate research programs to be re­gulated by the academic community at its own discretion. The article consists of three parts, which describe the background, motives and process of stu­dent migration, the position of American students in German universities, and their perception of the German research university model. The final part of the article examines the political agenda of the “reformist-returnees” and its implementation.


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How to Cite
Zemliakova Tetiana. 2019. “German-American Academic Migration and the Emergence of the American Research University, 1865–1910”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 290-317.
History of Education