Corporative training: New alternative to state programs in professional training

  • Elena Pakhomova HSE University
  • Grigoriy Klyucharev HSE University
Keywords: professional education, labour market, corporative training


The state-supported .traditional. system of professional training cannot meet the real demands of the industry and the job market. Its alternative, the corporative training, maximally meets employers. demands and can be easily transferred closer to the workforce location. The article describes the specifics of the Russian corporative training, its perspectives and relations with state education institutions.


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How to Cite
Pakhomova, Elena, and Grigoriy Klyucharev. 2013. “Corporative Training: New Alternative to State Programs in Professional Training”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (October), 117-39.
Theoretical and Applied Research

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