Computational Psychometrics: Near Future or Reality

Keywords: computational psychometrics, machine learning, educational assessment, evidence-centered design


This book continues a series of books on the methodology of educational testing and assessment written by leading psychometricians and researchers in the field of educational assessment. Computational psychometrics is defined as the combination of computer science methods and psychometric measurement principles for analysing data obtained as a result of testing using technologically advanced test formats. The first part of the book discusses the changes that have occurred in teaching and educational assessment under the influence of digital technologies. The second part provides an overview of computational psychometric methods: from traditional psychometric models to machine learning technologies.

The material in the book can be useful to students and researchers in the field of psychometrics who are involved in the development, design and analysis of learning systems and measurements using complex test formats and data. The strength of the book is an electronic application containing the code of the R or Python programming environment for the methodological chapters.


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How to Cite
TarasovaKsenia V., and GrachevaDaria A. 2023. “Computational Psychometrics: Near Future or Reality”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (November).
Book Review