The Role of Flagship Universities in a Region: Transformation Models

  • Marina Baryshnikova National Training Foundation
  • Elena Vashurina Kazan Federal University
  • Elza Sharykina National Training Foundation
  • Irina Chinnova National Training Foundation
  • Yuri Sergeev National Training Foundation
Keywords: higher education, flagship university, regional development, target model, transformation model, development program


Efforts in providing expert and methodological support for the implementation of flagship university development programs in 2016–2017 yielded a specific-purpose flagship university model and four generic flagship university transformation models: regional technology leader (RTL), regional comprehensive university (RCU), industry sector leader (industrial university) (IL), and trans-border region university (TBRU). The article provides distinctive features of the four models, analysis of the regions where specific types of models pre­vail, and the results of model testing.

As it has been found, flagship universities basically develop along two gene­ric models, RCU (classical universities, nearly half of the project participants) and RTL (engineering universities, one third of the flagship universities). For most universities, the type of transformation model pursued is strongly related to their current status and external environment characteristics. However, a number of universities fall in between and cannot be classified neatly under any particular model due to some specific external and internal factors. In this case, universities may use elements of more than one transformation model at once, yet the choice of model should first of all be based on the regional factors that determine the position and role of the flagship university in terms of the priority areas of regional development.


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How to Cite
Baryshnikova, Marina, Elena Vashurina, Elza Sharykina, Chinnova Irina, and Yuri Sergeev. 2019. “The Role of Flagship Universities in a Region: Transformation Models”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 8-43.
Theoretical and Applied Research