The Past, Present, and Possible Future of the Russian Education Assessment System

  • Viktor Bolotov Euroasian Association for Educational Assessment
Keywords: schooling, monitoring, ratings, ranking, international comparative studies, USE, Russian education quality assessment system, certification of educational institutions, BSE, Russian nationwide tests


The article describes the key stages in the development of the education quality assessment system in Russia: certification of educational institutions, participation in international comparative studies, implementation of the Unified State Examination (USE) and Basic State Examination (BSE), and the emergence of a community of education assessment experts. The most urgent goals in the development of the Russian education assessment system are seen to be switching to competency-oriented USE and BSE (with the subject-specific component preserved), developing national monitoring studies to compare education quality among regions and municipalities, tracing the socialization patterns of school graduates, elaborating various models of inclass and in-school assessment, and providing tools to measure the individual progress of students. Meanwhile, the lack of competent interpretation of measurement results appears to be the main challenge in education quality assessment.


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How to Cite
Bolotov, Viktor. 2018. “The Past, Present, and Possible Future of the Russian Education Assessment System”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (September), 287-97.
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