Who an Instructional Designer Is: A Competency Profile and the Choice of a Training Model

Keywords: instructional design, instructional designer, design of educational programmes, 4с/id model, problem based learning, authentic problem


The article analyses research papers that aim to identify the professional competences of a pedagogical designer. The literature review allowed to identify typical (most frequently mentioned) competences of a pedagogical designer in the field of learning theory, soft skills and business communication skills, ability to analyse the needs of the target audience and select adequate tools for designing educational materials, etc. The obtained competence portrait was compared with a set of requirements of Russian employers to specialists in the field of instructional design, which allowed us to conclude that the researchers' approach to defining the competences of instructional designers looks more complete and detailed than the employers' approach. At the same time, the professional characteristics of instructional design specialists identified by researchers and formulated by employers can be used as a basis for designing or redesigning educational programmes for training such specialists.

The article contributes to the research in the field of designing the training of instructional designers within the Russian research agenda, as there are no publications in the Russian-language segment that would present similar material devoted to the analysis of research and employers' requirements and their consideration in the design of higher education programmes.

The article demonstrates the applicability of one of the pedagogical design models, namely the 4/c id model, to the design of educational programmes for the training of pedagogical designers in demand on the labour market. The article ends with conclusions on how to improve the development of educational programmes in accordance with the professional portrait of such a specialist described in research works, the needs of employers and the possibilities of using the four-component model.


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How to Cite
ChernobayElena V., and LytaevaMaria A. 2024. “Who an Instructional Designer Is: A Competency Profile and the Choice of a Training Model”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow 2 (3). https://doi.org/10.17323/vo-2024-18126.
Research Articles