Psychometric Research: Modern Methods and New Opportunities for Education
Qualitative measurement is a fundamental requirement for research practice in the social sciences. The quality of measurements determines the validity of the interpretations, conclusions and decisions we can make based on the data obtained from the measurements. Qualitative measurement in the social sciences requires assessment tools as well as data analysis methods to link observed measurement results to theoretical attributes. The scientific basis for their development is provided by psychometrics.
Preceding the special issue of the journal "Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow" devoted to psychometrics, the guest editors of this issue cover the main milestones of the history of psychometrics, highlight some significant publications, note the professional institutions and authors who have made their valuable contribution to the development of this branch of science. The authors pay special attention to the history of psychometrics in Russia. Assessing the possibilities, prospects and limitations of psychometrics, the authors express their point of view on the debatable issues of psychometrics, and it does not always coincide with the opinion of the authors of the special issue. This issue presents examples of using modern psychometric methods to solve actual problems in education research, as well as in research at the intersection of education and psychology, education and different spheres of business. All the authors of the presented articles are united by the desire to improve research practice in the social sciences through truly qualitative measurements.
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