Action Research as a Way to Transform Teachers' Beliefs about the Usage of Digital Tools in the Classroom

Keywords: action research, teacher professional development, teachers’ beliefs, digital tools, classroom practice, active learning


Action research - that is “learning how to do something by doing it" - is a way to change teachers’ beliefs through practice. 15 teachers from three primary and secondary schools conducted their own action research. After a preliminary training, teachers independently designed and conducted lessons using digital tools to stimulate students’ active learning. During this work, teachers received the constant support of a mentor — the author of the article. Also, the entrance, intermediate and final interviews were collected. These interviews provided an opportunity to track how the teacher's beliefs towards digital tools are changing. It was found that teachers' beliefs transformed in a way that student-centered learning activities became the preferred form of lesson organization for them. The teachers also noted that their self-conducted action research helped them to accept digital tools. Teachers started to see digital services as being used not only by themselves, but also by students. New ways of using digital tools have changed the nature of the lesson, provoked a transition from traditional learning to active ways of work. At the same time, working with a digital tool has become more conscious and meaningful for teachers.


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How to Cite
MikhailovaAleksandra M. 2024. “Action Research As a Way to Transform Teachers’ Beliefs about the Usage of Digital Tools in the Classroom”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (July).
Research Articles