Publication Metrics as a Tool for Measuring Research Productivity and Their Relation to Motivation

  • Alexander Kalgin HSE University
  • Olga Kalgina HSE University
  • Anna Lebedeva HSE University
Keywords: intrinsic motivation, science, governance, performance management, publication performance measurement


The article presents an analytical review of literature on publication metrics as a tool of performance management in academia. Issues of quantitative re­search assessment are investigated in the light of modern views of motivation, in particular through the lens of self-determination theory. The article provi­des an insight into empirical studies on the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on publication productivity, research quality and subjective well­being. Accumulated international experience in performance management is used as a basis for developing recommendations on how to improve academic governance.


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How to Cite
Kalgin, Alexander, Olga Kalgina, and Anna Lebedeva. 2019. “Publication Metrics As a Tool for Measuring Research Productivity and Their Relation to Motivation”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 44-86.
Theoretical and Applied Research