Academic Rankings — Where Are They Heading?

  • Waldemar Siwinski IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (Warsaw, Poland)
Keywords: universities, rankings, regional rankings, national rankings, global rankings, multiple ranking systems, rankings by subject, university’s social mission


The global ranking system is in a state of violent transformation. We can already see the emerging contours of a new ranking system with the four distinguished elements: regional systems, customer-centered systems, multi-league systems, discipline-based systems. To reflect regional characteristics, including language, culture, global ranking systems should become regional ranking systems. To satisfy readers’ different expectations towards rankings, ranker-centered systems should become customer-centered  ystems. To reflect different institutional missions; size, locations, current unified ranking systems, they should become multiple ranking systems. Institutional ranking systems should become discipline-based ranking systems in order to reflect disciplinary differences. One of the most significant directions of changes in rankings is a search for a way to include in the international rankings other missions than research; especially important here are such aspects as excellence in teaching and the so called third mission or the university’s social mission.


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How to Cite
Siwinski, Waldemar. 2017. “Academic Rankings — Where Are They Heading?”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 158-66.
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