Labor Potential of the Northern Economic Region of Russia and Vocational Education Issues

  • Marina Terentyeva Institute for Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: vocational education, northern regions, the Republic of Komi, production diversification, labor potential of population, population’s education level


The modern state of the education system in the Republic of Komi has been analyzed to identify the vocational and qualification structure of manpower in the Northern Economic Region. The evolution of the vocational education system was studied beginning from 1959. It is shown that the education system is developing in line with the catch-up pattern, which implies universal nature of higher vocational education. The non-diversified structure of production in the Republic of Komi makes the vocational education system solve two contradicting problems: performance of the 2020 Strategy focused mainly on translating the region to innovative development, on one hand, and overcoming the labor market imbalance on the other. Two educational clusters are evolving in the region today, associated with the forest and oil & gas industries. Ultimately, the personnel training system should be brought in line with the economic structure of the region in need of manpower.


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How to Cite
TerentyevaMarina. 2015. “Labor Potential of the Northern Economic Region of Russia and Vocational Education Issues”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 118-36.
Theoretical and Applied Research