Prospects for Liberal Arts Education Development in Russian Universities 

  • Julia Ivanova HSE University
  • Pavel Sokolov HSE University
Keywords: higher education, labor market, liberal arts and sciences education, interdisciplinarity, interactivity


In this paper, we analyze the model of liberal arts (“liberal arts and sciences education”, in the Russian tradition), one of the most popular versions of the comprehensive academic reform designed to solve a number of problems in higher education: overcome the disciplinary specialization crisis, increase the demand for university graduates in the labor market, develop the sense of civic consciousness among graduates and transform the genome of “homo sovieticus” into that of “homo economicus”. We discuss the proceedings of the 2012 international conference devoted to liberal arts and sciences education in Russia and the world, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the model in the Russian educational context. Finally, we analyze the expected outcomes of introducing the liberal arts education, the forms and methods of such introduction, and viability of the model in the Russian context.


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How to Cite
Ivanova, Julia, and Pavel Sokolov. 2015. “Prospects for Liberal Arts Education Development in Russian Universities ”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (December), 72-91.
Liberal Arts ans Sciences Education