Indicators and Specific Measures of Efficiency and Productivity of General Education Services: The Case of Correctional Education

  • Elena Nikitina
Keywords: education management, general education, correctional education, education policy


The article considers an approach to the development of a system of indicators and specific measures of efficiency and productivity of educational services. This approach takes international practices into account. The author analyses more then 80 indicators of 56 Russian correctional education institutions located in 7 Russian regions. Using specific measures and indicators of providing education services to the handicapped, it is possible to manage the efficiency of spending in the education policy of a city, district or region. This would aid early discovery of weak areas in the financing of a standard education service, management of education quality, and the upholding of social justice. The use of a system of indicators and specific measures can help optimize expenditures on correctional education and more efficiently distribute the limited budget available.


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How to Cite
Nikitina, Elena. 2010. “Indicators and Specific Measures of Efficiency and Productivity of General Education Services: The Case of Correctional Education”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (December), 96-110.