Academic scholarship: pros and cons. On the higher education system of the service of the Russian State

  • Rustem Vakhitov
Keywords: higher education, academic scholarship, a modernist society, service class


In the current article the author is pushing forward a thesis that supporters and opponents of academic scholarships adhere to different paradigms of education: the western modernist paradigm of education and the Russian paradigm of the state of service class. According to the first one higher education is a right; according to the second — the duty which is imposed by the state and for the fulfillment of which the state is ready to pay. Modern post-soviet higher education system in Russia is an eclectic mix of elements of both models. 


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How to Cite
Vakhitov, Rustem. 2013. “Academic Scholarship: Pros and Cons. On the Higher Education System of the Service of the Russian State”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 4 (November), 306-14.
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