The Eventual Results of Educational System and the Problems Inherent in its Measurement

  • Vitaliy Tambovtsev HSE University
Keywords: human capital, educational results, socialization, education funding, knowledge, result-oriented budgeting


Due to the introduction of result-oriented budgeting in Russia, the importance of precisely defining what various governmental bodies and the corresponding sectors of economy are supposed to achieve is on the rise. The eventual results of educational system are assumed to consist of three components: cognitive (the evaluation of the knowledge level according to the unified system), economical (the change in the human capital of graduates), and social (the evaluation of the level of socialization of graduates). The article offers certain indicators for these components, which can be calculated using available statistics. Possible applications of these indicators in the practical work of educational organizations are discussed. The suggested indicators are compared with those used by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF in planning the budget.


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How to Cite
Tambovtsev, Vitaliy. 2010. “The Eventual Results of Educational System and the Problems Inherent in Its Measurement”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (December), 5-24.
Educational Policies