Student Experience: A New Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees through Survey Research

  • Mikhail Balyasin HSE University
  • Luís Carvalho University of Porto
  • Georgiana Mihut Boston College Center for International Higher Education
Keywords: student experience, survey research, course quality evaluation


Student perspectives and quality assurance have been prominent policy topics in the European policy landscape. Student surveys conducted by tertiary education institutions, national agencies or independent student organizations have systematically provided feedback to stakeholders  about numerous aspects that need improvement. Adding to the existing literature, the Course Quality Advisory Board (CQAB) of the Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association (EMA) has launched the Course Quality Student Services (CQSS) survey in the fall of 2013. Unlike existing data collection mechanisms, the CQSS survey focuses on capturing the comparative experience that students undergoing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) are excellently positioned to provide. This paper reports on the methodology and aggregated descriptive results of the second wave of the CQSS survey, with data collected between the 1st of June and the 20th of July 2015. CQSS amassed 2131 responses from students of 193 programs and 128 countries. Seventy-one programs managed to obtain 10 or more respondents. Information produced with the CQSS survey can be used to improve students’ experiences and enhance quality of programmes in Erasmus Mundus umbrella. Lessons learned can be also used to enhance provision of educational services in other internationally focused programs.


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How to Cite
Balyasin, Mikhail, Luís Carvalho, and Georgiana Mihut. 2016. “Student Experience: A New Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees through Survey Research”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 110-34.
Following 6th International Conference of RAHER