Interpretation and Presentation of Unified State Exam Results: Problems and Possible Solutions

  • Igor Valdman Russian Academy of Education, Bld. 2, 8 Pogodinskaya St., 119121, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Sergey Bochenkov Independent Education Quality Assessment Agency “Leader”, room 11, 10A Shkolny Lane, 428003, Cheboksary, Russian Federation
Keywords: unified state exam, academic performance assessment, interpretation of EGE results, users of EGE results


Sergey Bochenkov, expert at Independent Education Quality Assessment Agency “Leader”, Cheboksary, Russian Federation. Email:
Address: room 11, 10A Shkolny Lane, 428003, Cheboksary, Russian Federation.

Igor Valdman, Ped.D., Head of the Laboratory of Control and Monitoring in Education, Education Management Institute, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email:
Address: Bld. 2, 8 Pogodinskaya St., 119121, Moscow, Russian Federation.

The authors discuss opportunities, restrictions and risks of using Unified State Exam (EGE) results associated with specific features of Russian education and EGE practices. Analysis and interpretation of EGE results should vary depending on the user group and on the goal pursued. To each group of users, we should apply a customized method of analyzing and interpreting evaluation results and a customized system of key indicators. EGE results may be used independently for either of the two purposes: to determine whether the secondary general education program has been delivered successfully or not, or to select candidates for admission to universities. Other diverse performance data should also be used when assessing teacher activities, schools and education systems. EGE results can only be a piece in the complex puzzle of teacher performance. Properly interpreted EGE results may be used in education quality management, in particular for reliable comparison of academic achievements in different regions and in schools of different types, or for change monitoring. Properly interpreted information allows to draw the right conclusions and to make reasonable managerial decisions at each stage.

The authors offer test result interpretations oriented towards teachers, schools, and education system. Work quality requirements for schools and teachers through the prism of EGE have been determined.


How to Cite
Valdman, Igor, and Sergey Bochenkov. 2013. “Interpretation and Presentation of Unified State Exam Results: Problems and Possible Solutions”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (November), 5-24.
Theoretical and Applied Research