The Position of Social Sciences in Russia

  • Lev Gudkov HSE University
Keywords: sociological education, need of society for sociological knowledge


The main problem in the development of social sciences in Russia is not that the tenets of modern sociology are still very incompletely absorbed, and not that Russian scientists are closed to the Western ideas, but rather in the weakness of Russian society, which does not feel the need for this type of knowledge. Today, as in the past, the student has absolutely no choice either of instructors or of the contents of his education, as the bureaucratic system left from the Soviet times does not allow for any freedom in this aspect. It is for this reason that sociological education turns out to be extremely inefficient.


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How to Cite
Gudkov, Lev. 2010. “The Position of Social Sciences in Russia”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (December), 123-37.
Content of Education