AI in Vocational Training: A Qualitative Interview Study of Early-Stage Practitioners in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry in China

Keywords: artificial intelligence, vocational training, talent development, human capital, digital HRM, real estate brokerage


This study aims to unveil the individual and sectoral factors influencing the integration and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in vocational training among early-stage practitioners in China's real estate brokerage industry. The study involved in-depth interviews with 33 participants, each possessing less than two years of industry experience and demonstrating either experience with or a keen interest in AI applications. Rooted in the transformative potential of AI in vocational training, thematic analysis was employed to reveal the intricate interplay of individual factors—motivation, attitude, self-efficacy, and digital literacy—alongside sectoral elements such as policies, practices, and organizational culture. The findings illuminate the significant impact of these factors on the acceptance and utilization of AI, underscoring the complexity of participant attitudes, shaped by perceived usefulness and ease of use. Diverse levels of self-efficacy and digital literacy among participants regarding AI adoption were also evident. On the sectoral front, policies play a dual role, either providing support or imposing restrictions on AI adoption, while practices and organizational culture wield substantial influence over the opportunities and challenges associated with AI use. These empirical insights and best practices offer stakeholders valuable guidance to enhance employability and productivity in this ever-evolving industry. Importantly, this study advocates for a more inclusive approach in future research, addressing limitations in sample representativeness and recommending the integration of quantitative methodologies. This approach is crucial for fostering a comprehensive understanding of AI utilization in vocational training, ensuring robust insights for future advancements in the industry.


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How to Cite
Wang, Fengchen. 2024. “AI in Vocational Training: A Qualitative Interview Study of Early-Stage Practitioners in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry in China”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow 1 (3).
Research Articles