How “Different School” Will Change the World. Review of the book: Murashev A. Different School. Where Normal People Come From

  • Aleksey Lyubzhin Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts of the Science Library, Moscow State University
Keywords: skills, knowledge, comprehension, conventional schooling, new schooling, easy schooling, disciplines, interest, inquisitiveness


The article speculates on the concept of “different school”, as illustrated by Alexander Murashev through the example of certain teachers, schools, school networks and systems that he studied by means of personal visits and face-to-face interviews with employees and students. The school model proposed by the author could take its small but rightful place in a schooling system that offers a choice of education patterns. “Different school” is a good option for highly sensitive children who shrink from facing the harsh social reality of regular schools and have limited ambitions and capabilities. However, as the only schooling system available, or even as a regular one, this model would have huge unwanted effects.


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How to Cite
Lyubzhin, Aleksey. 2019. “How ‘Different School’ Will Change the World. Review of the Book: Murashev A. Different School. Where Normal People Come From”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (September), 276-87.
Book Reviews and Survey Articles