Interaction between Russian Business and Higher Education System through Employers’ Eyes. Prepared on the Basis of Information Obtained by Levada Center: A 2013 Survey

  • N. Bondarenko Levada Center
Keywords: professional skills, higher education and business, graduate employment, behavioral skills, “customized” specialists


This paper continues the article on the relationship between higher school and business in Russia published in Journal of Educational Studies magazine last year (2013, no 1, pp. 174–182). Annual national surveys among CEOs conducted under the NRU HSE MEMO Project (Monitoring Education Markets and Organizations) allow to compare statistical data on cooperation between business and higher education institutions obtained in 2013 and in 2011. The surveys involve small, medium and large business CEOs in six key economic sectors: industry, communications (excluding postal services), construction, trade, transport, business services. The surveyors analyze the nature of interaction between businessmen and recent graduates from higher education institutions (how demanded young specialists are and how satisfied businessmen are with their professional qualifications) and collaboration of business with higher professional education institutions (actual levels and forms of collaboration, prospective levels and areas of collaboration for the nearest future). It has been found out that graduates are employed more and more often after the 2008–2009 recession. Graduates keep being most demanded in industry, communications and business services, while demand for them in trade is the lowest one. Company CEOs are mostly satisfied with professional qualifications of recent graduates; however, they complain graduates lack decision-making capacity, proactivity, planning and time-management skills, i. e. autonomy in work. Company CEOs also believe graduates lack communication skills (working in a team, establishing contact with customers). The paper provides results of a cross-country study comparing employer satisfaction with young specialists and company requirements for their professional qualifications in terms of higher education systems of Russia and Great Britain.


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How to Cite
BondarenkoN. 2014. “Interaction Between Russian Business and Higher Education System through Employers’ Eyes. Prepared on the Basis of Information Obtained by Levada Center: A 2013 Survey”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 1 (March), 162-75.
Education Statistics and Sociology