Home-Based Kindergarten: Social Enterprise or Civic Initiative?

  • Elena Konobeeva HSE University
Keywords: home-based kindergarten, civic initiative, social enterprise


Elena Konobeyeva, fourth-year student in the Faculty of Sociology, National Research University — Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, second prize winner in the 2011 Young Scientists Research Paper Competition. Email: e.khvoinaja@gmail.com 

Interviews with owners and employees of home-based kindergartens served the basis for an analysis of private preschool education, its forms and manifestations.

Respondents have a fairly clear idea of the public needs and requirements. This idea may be realized either as a civic initiative or as a social enterprise. A survey of practices applied in such organizations has shown that a home-based kindergarten is a self-sustaining project, while its financing is rather characteristic of a civic initiative. An analysis of relationships between owners of home-based kindergartens has revealed no exchange of information or experience, which is typical of both civic initiatives and entrepreneurship, for different reasons.

The author evaluates prospects of developing home-based kindergartens as a form of social entrepreneurship. She also determines their potential to solve social problems of the modern Russian society, such as overcoming the lack of kindergarten places or providing employment for specific population groups. Under favorable conditions, home-based kindergartens may serve a good source of unique preschool methods and programs.

The paper proves that home-based kindergartens are now much closer to civic initiatives than to social enterprises. Problems retarding development of this market include absence of legal regulations and municipal support, lack of public trust in home-based kindergartens, and short life cycle of each individual enterprise.


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How to Cite
Konobeeva, Elena. 2013. “Home-Based Kindergarten: Social Enterprise or Civic Initiative?”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (November), 207-21. https://doi.org/10.17323/1814-9545-2012-2-207-221.