Hindering competitor’s learning and «Trojan education» in social interactions

  • Yuliya Zhemerikina HSE University
  • Svetlana Kutasina HSE University
  • Alexander Poddiakov HSE University
Keywords: human capital, «principal-agent theory», hindering of learning, «Trojan learning», suppressed development zone


One of the most efficient ways to render a competitor unable to cope with the rapidly changing world is to taper with their ability to learn new activities. In education sphere, the competition takes the form of obstructing a competitor’s learning, or of «Trojan education»: the competitor is covertly taught something unprofitable, harmful or dangerous for them, but suits the interests of those who organize the education. Examples of the hindering of learning are given, a classification of types of «Trojan education» is provided, possible theoretical approaches to the problem are laid out, and some results of empirical studies are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Zhemerikina, Yuliya, Svetlana Kutasina, and Alexander Poddiakov. 2010. “Hindering competitor’s Learning and «Trojan Education» in Social Interactions”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (December), 118-35. https://vo.hse.ru/article/view/15244.
Theoretical and Applied Research