Russian external relations in the fi eld of education in 16th-17th cc.

  • Aleksey Ryzhov
Keywords: history of education, education, academic mobility


The article presents a collection of documents shedding light on relations of Russia with other countries in the fi eld of education in 16th-18th cc. In textbooks of history, it was long assumed that the idea to teach Russian youth abroad emerged in early 18th century, the time of Peter the Great’s reforms. However, the documents show that as early as in the 16th century, young people were sent abroad in order to study and become translators and interpreters for a number of Russian ministries (prikazes). The documents refl ect another important aspect of Russian relations with European countries, namely, the study of these countries’ subjects in Russia.


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How to Cite
Ryzhov, Aleksey. 2010. “Russian External Relations in the Fi Eld of Education in 16th-17th Cc.”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 3 (December), 246-70.
History of Education